
      Application for Unattended
      Robotic Run Assistance

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      Your digital helpers constantly under control

      Building bots is not everything - keeping them running is as important!

      With the implementation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), processes should be made more efficient, and employees should be relieved. However, this is only the case if your digital helpers always work smoothly. Continuous control of the automated processes is essential, but is often time-consuming, especially manually. The solution? Automate the monitoring of your RPA processes with Natuvion AURORA!

      Are all automated processes working properly? Is there a problem somewhere? Does a process need to be intervened? With Natuvion AURORA you can always answer these questions. Natuvion AURORA is a real-time monitoring tool with which you constantly keep an eye on all your automated processes.


      Real-time updates on all active and inactive RPA processes

      Real-time updates on all active and inactive RPA processes

      Any device, anywhere, anytime

      Natuvion AURORA is a web-based tool that allows you to easily monitor the status of your Blue Prism RPA processes time, location, and device independent. Whether workloads, exceptions, or infrastructure problems – you are continuously informed about all aspects of your automated processes. The implemented digital helpers send continuous real-time updates to Natuvion AURORA, which visualizes all relevant information on a dashboard.

      The overviews are generated according to client, process, and machine used, and can be viewed in detail by historical runs and process details – from the name of the process to the current process status to the date of the last run. If any errors occur during the process runs, the error messages are also displayed in the dashboard. In case of serious errors or lack of feedback from the robot within a certain time period, Natuvion AURORA can send an automatic email to the responsible persons allowing them to react immediately.


      Manual process monitoring is a thing of the past!


      Manual process monitoring is a thing of the past!

      Increased RPA process efficiency and quality

      By using Natuvion AURORA, you can improve the overall quality and efficiency of your RPA processes, while being able to react immediately when errors occur in the various process flows. This is a decisive advantage when it comes to support, as it enables you to take immediate action, especially in the case of agreed service level agreements. With Natuvion AURORA you have your digital workforce at your fingertips 24/7 and ensure that all processes are running smoothly. Time-consuming local and manual process monitoring is a thing of the past.

      Your Natuvion AURORA benefits:

      • Real-time monitoring of your globally running RPA processes

      • Automated analysis of all RPA process flows across different machines and work queues

      • Improved process quality and efficiency

      • Improved communication and support

      • Cost savings through automated error analysis

      • Unlimited access to your RPA processes regardless of access to the Blue Prism control center

      EN_Downloads_SuccessStory_Stadtwerk-Tauberfranken_CTA_Panel_Desktop EN_Downloads_SuccessStory_Stadtwerk-Tauberfranken_CTA_Panel_Mobile

      Moving with the help of a robot

      For a utility, the Move-In and Move-Out process is a standard activity, yet a critical one. To optimize the whole process Stadtwerk Tauberfranken decided on an RPA pilot. With great success! Read all the details in our success story!


      Role-specific access rights and secure login

      Role-specific access rights and secure login


      As a SaaS solution, Natuvion AURORA can be easily implemented in Blue Prism Studio and is quickly ready to use. The technology is based on the use of an API interface to the cloud services as well as process and case tracking via Blue Prism. The administration of Natuvion AURORA can be handled by the RPA controller, developer or business units. Security per process run is ensured via authentication using a user ID, password, UniqueID and token.

      The dashboard convinces with a user-friendly interface and is available multilingual in German or English. Role and user concepts also make it possible to set up the dashboard for end customers.

      Articles and News

      EN_Downloads_SuccessStory_swb ILM

      Jun 28, 2024

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      swb successfully implements SAP ILM with Natuvion expertise

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      Jun 5, 2024

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      M&A Success with SAP S/4HANA Carve-in

      May 20, 2024

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      Supported by Natuvion, AMAG migrates acquired company...

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      ‘In too many companies, organizational and cultural change is underestimated!’

      May 13, 2024

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      Low-code in cloud product development

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      Preparation is key: ensuring an efficient and secure go-live for SAP S/4HANA migration

      Apr 30, 2024

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      “We need to change the way data gets into systems!”  

      Apr 12, 2024

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      How archiving analyses can assist you in your transformation!

      Mar 27, 2024

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      In today's evolving system landscapes, strategic and...

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      Would you like to learn more about Natuvion AURORA? We would be happy to introduce you to our smart monitoring tool in a personal meeting. Or do you have any other wishes or questions? Just leave us your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible!