
      Robotic Process
      Automation (RPA)

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      Turbo for your business processes

      Your employees will love it!

      The number of tasks keeps growing, while conditions are getting more and more complicated. This, combined with the prevailing shortage of applicants, is a burden on many companies. Does this sound familiar to you? 
      This is exactly the reason why many companies are looking for solutions in the area of digitization. Why not relieve the burden on employees with digital helpers? With the help of automation solutions, your team can be relieved from the pressure and devote themselves to other important tasks. Another positive side effect: more satisfied customers.

      When using RPA and artificial intelligence (AI), so-called digital helpers take over regularly occurring standard tasks. These programmed robots increase your process efficiency and ensure higher productivity. And they do so with a high level of traceability and quality. However, the most significant advantage comes from the relief of employees. Because by using the digital helpers, they have more time for more demanding and fulfilling activities.

      This is exactly what we want to achieve with Natuvion Automation. We support companies in making their workflows more efficient. As a result, time savings of up to 100% can be achieved! In transformation projects like these, we stand by our customers as consultants, or service providers. In addition, we also offer automation and simulation services. 

      Intelligent Automation as a driver of transformation

      Delegate administration tasks to digital helpers

      Implementing an automation project comes with many benefits, but may seem complicated at first. Take advantage of our help. Our experts have many years of experience in this area, which you can profit from. In addition, you do not have to build your own infrastructure, as we provide you with our RPA platform (RPA as a Service) for your project.






      You have questions about the possibilities or implementation of automation solutions? We answer them!

      The automation of specific work processes is a complex topic in which we support you. We can show you potentials for digitalization in your company. In addition, we can work with you to develop a pilot project for an automation initiative. If you subsequently decide to implement the project, we will also support you in this step. Schedule your consultation today!



      1, 2, 3 ready! We turn your ideas into reality!

      You want to start an automation project, but the practical implementation is causing a bit of a headache for you? With our delivery services, we support you in the analysis, planning and definition of intelligent automation solutions. We can also go one step further and concretely model and develop those. We contribute our vast experience in automation through best practice methodologies. These are adapted to perfectly match the individual characteristics of your organization.


      Managed Services

      Digital helpers: Simply add, simply cancel.

      Intelligent automation is often applied in business-critical processes. We make the solutions available around the clock for your business processes. Whether in the cloud or in your own company. You can thereby concentrate fully on your business.

      Why we are the perfect partner for you!

      Our core competencies at a glance

      With our many years of experience and consulting expertise, we serve as a strong support for your digitization project. Our promise to you:









      Proven expert knowledge in all disciplines of an automation journey

      Stable and scalable automation solutions that deliver the desired benefits

      Flexible offers that perfectly fit your needs

      On-time and on-budget support with maximum transparency


      To deliver the best possible results for our customers, we work with successful partners. These include the software provider Blue Prism.

      About Blue Prism

      About Blue Prism

      Strong collaboration leads to the best results

      SS&C. Blue Prism® is a pioneer and one of the world's leading providers of robotic process automation software. The strengths of the Blue Prism® technology include scalability, reusability, low maintenance requirements, and native access to cognitive and AI services.

      SS&C BP

      12 successful RPA use cases


      12 successful RPA use cases

      Optimize utilities processes? Here's how!

      Are you still unsure about how to implement Intelligent Automation and make your processes simpler and more efficient? 

      In this booklet, we use specific examples from the energy industry to show you the results and optimization potential you can expect from RPA solution scenarios. 

      Download RPA Utilities Use Case Booklet here

      About Us

      Who is Natuvion Digital?

      Natuvion Digital is an IT consulting company with a focus on Robotic Process Automation (RPA). We automate customer processes with high process volumes. Our work ranges from pure platform operation via standardized robots to individual implementation and adaptation of the controlled processes. The result: higher employee satisfaction and increasing data quality with significantly lower processing costs.

      Since January 2021, the billing service provider providata, part of the Thüga Group, owns a stake in Natuvion Digital and is thus leveraging the potential of RPA technology within the energy industry. Natuvion Digital is part of the globally active Natuvion Group with more than 300 employees.

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      RPA in practice

      At schwaben netz, much of the manual meter reading has come to an end. In the future, digital helpers will take over this job - and save around 285 hours of time. Read our success story to find out exactly how this automation project turned out.


      Articles and News

      EN_Downloads_SuccessStory_swb ILM

      Jun 28, 2024

      Take the SAP fast route to...

      swb successfully implements SAP ILM with Natuvion expertise

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      Jun 5, 2024

      Successful divestments with...

      Lanco achieves two complex transformation projects with...

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      M&A Success with SAP S/4HANA Carve-in

      May 20, 2024

      M&A Success with SAP...

      Supported by Natuvion, AMAG migrates acquired company...

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      ‘In too many companies, organizational and cultural change is underestimated!’

      May 13, 2024

      ‘In too many companies,...

      Companies that successfully organize all areas of change...

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      Low-code in cloud product development

      May 8, 2024

      Low-code in cloud product...

      Software development has evolved rapidly in recent years,...

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      Preparation is key: ensuring an efficient and secure go-live for SAP S/4HANA migration

      Apr 30, 2024

      Preparation is key:...

      The switch to SAP S/4HANA is currently one of the main...

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      “We need to change the way data gets into systems!”  

      Apr 12, 2024

      “We need to change the way...

      Master data forms the basis of almost all business...

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      How archiving analyses can assist you in your transformation!

      Mar 27, 2024

      How archiving analyses can...

      In today's evolving system landscapes, strategic and...

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      You want to know more about Automation from Natuvion Digital? We would be happy to present our powerful automation solution to you in a personal meeting. Or do you have other wishes or questions. Just leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible!