Unlock the Secrets Behind Utility Companies' Transformation Success

      Unlock the Secrets Behind Utility Companies' Transformation Success

      What motivates utility companies' transformation projects, and what type of migration approach did they choose? Dive into the study where Utegration and Natuvion partnered to ask 112 utility professionals from across the U.S. about how they approached their IT transitions, what unexpected problems arose during the projects, how they resolved them, and to what extent they achieved their goals.

      Questions answered by the study

      • What migration approaches are preferred by industry leaders?
      • What unexpected challenges arise during IT transitions?
      • How do utility professionals overcome project roadblocks?
      • To what extent do these transformations achieve their goals?

      Download the study to unlock a wealth of knowledge to fuel your own transformation projects and avoid mistakes that other utility companies have already made!


      U.S. Utilities Transformation Study 2023