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      Near Zero Downtime: Migrations without time pressure


      Time-consuming, complex, and extensive - transformation projects are a challenge that companies often deliberately delay. Out of concern that the ongoing business operations will be impaired. This does not have to be the case. Find out how the Near Zero Downtime Methodology (NZDT) and support from Natuvion DCS can help you master a transformation project smoothly and without downtime.

      Near Zero Downtime: What is it all about?

      SAP itself gave the Near Zero Downtime Migration, also known as NZDT, its name. This methodology aims to ensure the highest system availability possible during a transformation - regardless of the system volume or how complex or extensive your migration project may be. The goal of NZDT: The customer should be able to continue his productive business with almost no restrictions during a migration.

      Small time windows vs. high transformation volume: migration tools reach their limits

      As corporations grow, so does the volume of data they produce. Once a system volume of 20-30 terabytes has been reached, conventional migration tools are usually no longer able to migrate the corresponding data easily within a weekend. Such a system size becomes even more problematic in the case of selective migration. The consequence for customers: Long and costly downtimes of productive systems. In some cases, however, downtimes of more than 48 hours are not possible at any time of the year.

      This is also confirmed by our recent Transformation Study 2022, which surveyed over 200 IT managers with transformation experience. 50% of the participants stated that they can only cope with downtime of a few hours without consequences for business operations. For 80% of the respondents, a maximum of one weekend of downtime is acceptable. This requires new approaches and solutions.

      The solution: NZDT and Natuvion DCS

      Natuvion provides a remedy to this problem with the NZDT methodology and the smart transformation tool Natuvion DCS. Thanks to NZDT technology, it is possible to transform systems 1:1 in a short time. In addition, the functional scope of the Natuvion DCS has been perfectly adapted to this method, so that all functions of the Natuvion DCS can be used and a selective transformation can be performed. Furthermore, in the case of a selective migration, it is possible to reuse the selection logic of the regular transformation for the delta migration. The latter then goes through the same process as the regular migration.


      The basic NZDT project procedure is as follows:


      Initial Downtime

      • 1:1 copy of the productive system

      • Activation of NZDT technology on the productive system

      • Reactivation of the system

      During uptime

      • Tracking of system changes

      • Regular transformation

      • Testing of the new productive environment

      Final downtime

      • Delta-migration


      Migrate without pressure

      The fact that the transformation in the NZDT process does not have to take place within a specified time window provides a number of advantages and opportunities. Among other things, it is no longer necessary to focus so strongly on increasing performance during the preparation time. In addition, any errors that occur during the regular migration can be dealt with without pressure. And if more time is to be invested in testing the new productive environment, the delta migration can easily be postponed.


      The Near Zero Downtime methodology can be applied to any transformation project. Scenarios such as a big data transformation or a database switch are particularly well suited for the NZDT method.



      Natuvion DCS: one solution, countless possibilities

      Every technical platform has to be modernized at some point! After all, legacy systems slow down developments and innovations. The solution: get rid of the old software and bring in new technologies and platforms. But what happens to the treasure trove of data that has been collected over the years? Read our booklet to find out how Natuvion DCS can profitably support you in transformation projects and how it optimizes downtimes:

      Download Booklet

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