
      legacy systems

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      When and how to disconnect from legacy applications?

      Everything comes to an end at some point - including IT systems that sooner or later can no longer keep up with current technical standards. For companies, this raises the question of what to do with legacy systems and how to start shutting them down. Constantly growing data volumes and their effects on the IT structure present companies with major challenges. On the one hand, operational business must be able to continue unhindered during a system changeover. On the other hand, processes and operations can only run securely and effectively if systems are up to date with the latest technology.

      What are legacy systems?


      A legacy system is outdated software that, after decades of use, can no longer keep up with the latest technological advances.

      Because of the technologies used in legacy IT applications, interaction with innovative, newer systems is disproportionately complicated, complex and expensive. Consequently, the path to digitization and automation of business processes is unnecessarily hindered. Legacy software makes it difficult to create an IT infrastructure that can react flexibly to changing structures and requirements. Therefore, there is usually no way around a system transformation and corresponding application retirement solutions.


      When companies should think about system decommissioning

      5 points in favor of decommissioning legacy systems

      Decommissioning a system is a major project that cannot be completed overnight. In addition to the fact that systems can no longer be optimized after a certain point, there are also legal regulations that are usually difficult or perhaps impossible to comply with. If companies determine the status quo and the desired requirements for a software, it quickly becomes clear why the change to a new system and thus the decommissioning of legacy systems makes sense.


      Problems that legacy systems can cause, among other things:

      Difficult to meet compliance requirements: Since the introduction oft he GDPR, there are a large number of regulations that must be taken into account when archiving data. Older software can usually only insufficiently map these extensive requirements.

      • Maintenance work: Compared to new systems, legacy systems require more time and effort for troubleshooting and adapting to new technologies, if adaptation to newer processes is still feasible at all.

      • Security risk software updates: Latest technologies lead to restricted availability of software updates for older architectures.

      • Interface access: New systems often cannot be linked via interfaces, as this was/is not provided for in legacy systems.

      • High costs: Data volume management is an important factor. Over the years, data volumes have grown, leading to higher storage costs in addition to higher maintenance.


      What is data archiving?


      Data that is no longer used but still needs to be stored - whether due to legal retention periods or to be used as a reference at a later date - goes into archiving. This means that when data is transferred, it is stored at a storage location specifically designated for this purpose - an archiving software. There, the data is indexed in a way that it can be found quickly - for the respective purpose, e.g. economic or tax audits - even after long-term archiving.

      How does secure data archiving work?

      Above all, it is important that all necessary data is stored in a complete, audit-proof and DSGVO-compliant manner. In addition, all data must be labeled with their respective retention periods and only authorized persons may access them. This applies in particular to personal data, which must be stored in a legally secure manner, i.e. anonymized and with restricted access.

      Elements, an archiving software should provide:

      Intuitive Datenzugriffe De-Kommissionierung Rechtskonforme Aufbewahrung Cloudbasiert Datenschutzkonformität

      Intuitive data access

      Holistic de-commissioning

      Legally compliant storage

      Cloud-based and customizable

      Data protection compliance



      What advantages does Natuvion IDS offer in digital data archiving

      System decommissioning made easy

      The Natuvion Intelligent Data Store (IDS) is a highly secure, cloud-based storage for legacy data. With the help of the Natuvion Data Conversion Server (DCS), the data to be archived is extracted from legacy systems, tagged with deletion date and customer reference, and then transferred to the cloud storage. Based on a cloud infrastructure (e.g. Microsoft Azure, SAP BTP), the Natuvion IDS mainly consists of an archive database, which is composed of a web connection, making it possible to ensure secure access to the database. The migration of the data can be carried out from any source system - whether SAP, Salesforce or Lotus Notes.

      Several checks guarantee the completeness of the data. The creation of hash values ensures that all data is consistent between the legacy system and Natuvion IDS after extraction.


      Further advantages of Natuvion IDS:

      • Original data structure remains in place and retrievable

      • Reduction of operating costs due to decommissioning

      • Easy retrieval of data for the respective purposes e.g. auditing etc.

      • Uniform, encrypted storage of data with defined access rights

      • To ensure data protection and retention periods, the function for masking, deleting and blocking data is integrated

      Natuvion IDS-1


      Would you like to learn more about our services for system decommissioning? Simply fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.