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      Natuvion Americas Inc. has new Headquarters


      New Headquarters in Devon, Pennsylvania

      In June 2019, Natuvion is excited to announce that we are co-locating with another founding partner of the SAP S/4HANA Selective Data Transition Engagement Community - cbs Corporate Business Solutions America Inc. This close working relationship will enable the two partners to  continuously share, increase knowledge, and discuss the latest project experiences.

      The office is located on the East Coast of America in the heart of the Main Line, just 10 minutes from the SAP Headquarters in Newtown Square and directly adjacent to the train route just 1.5 hours from New York.

      This new office represents the effort to keep pace with the America region's constant growth, with current demand being especially high for transformation and data privacy projects within consumer products and utility/energy companies.

      The new office lays the foundation for further expansion but more importantly builds a closer working relationship with the brand new SAP S/4HANA Selective Data Transition Engagement working community. This community led by SAP is pooling the expertise from four leading SAP consulting providers to assure a high level of methodical and technical quality for successful transitions to SAP S/4HANA. Members of the new working group are SAP, CBS, Datavard, Natuvion and SNP.

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