Your transformation one stop shop

      Sooner or later all companies have to dedicate time and resources to transformation projects. Natuvion offers all the necessary competencies, services and technologies to optimally support companies in their move to modern, digital platforms.

      Natuvion plays a vital role in transformations with consulting, services and its own software solutions. Our high level of competence and unrivaled range of expertise within the scope of a transformation are unique. Starting with analysis, through data security and privacy, to increasing data quality. Convince yourself!

      Process Excellence

      In-depth industry know-how and extensive experience
      Given the complexity of today's challenges, our customers can only advised by consultants who know their requirements inside out and know how to solve them. This includes in-depth industry know-how and extensive experience. Every day, Natuvion specialists solve these challenges! Our customers  and partners will already feel this competence in the first meeting with us.

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      Data Identification & Clustering

      Comprehensive insights into your system landscape
      If you are preparing a migration or other major project, you will need deep and broad-based understanding about your data. Our analysts deliver these insights. They provide comprehensive insights into data volume, data quality, interfaces, and the current status of data protection compliance. For this purpose, we use our self-developed analysis tools in addition to experienced experts.

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      Migration from any source to any target
      On average, our migration specialists have more than 20 years of experience. Customers can confidently rely on us to make their migration project a success. Projects are completed without downtime and with tools that provide maximum automation - from any source system to any target system. To accomplish this, we use a wide variety of ETL technologies or combine them in a very flexible way. And: Natuvion is one of only four companies worldwide appointed by SAP as a founding member of the Selective Data Transition Engagement Community. A trust that we confirm every day!

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      Transformation with a maximum of flexibility
      Sooner or later all companies have to dedicate time and resources to transformation projects. What our customers need in this case are „real“ transformation professionals. Whether they are planning a corporate carve-out, a merger or an infrastructure modernization: Natuvion ensures project success with maximum automation and flexibility - from any source to any target system and without downtime. Our experts are supported in the data transformation by Natuvion's Data Conversion Server™(DCS), our powerful in-house software solution.

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      Quality & Integrity

      Improving Data Quality 
      No business process can run efficiently without highest quality and highest level of integrity. Our specialists help organizations cleanse, merge, enrich, or delete your data to ensure the highest quality and a high level of consistency and integrity.

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      Platform Integration

      Efficient platform integration as easy as possible
      Heterogeneous IT environments can make it a challenge to integrate data and processes effectively between systems. Therefore central master data integration, API management, and data cleansing and quality enhancement are essential prerequisites for the digital platforms of tomorrow. Our specialists make efficient platform integration as easy as possible for our customers. How? By ensuring data integrity during migration as well as smooth data merging across systems, layers and functions.

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      Data Privacy & Security

      Unique all-in-one service, from conception to design and implementation
      Analysts claim: Data Privacy is the central challenge of the current century. Moving to a modern platform offers a unique opportunity to establish a seamlessly integrated and advanced Data Privacy & Security architecture. Natuvion offers a unique all-in-one service, from conception to design and implementation of a security architecture. When it comes to migration, we are one of the few companies that are able to save their customers a lot of money. How? By accomplishing three tasks in a single, integrated project: Transforming data while ensuring data privacy, compliance and data protection implementation.

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      Simulation & Automation

      We safeguard your move to modern platforms
      The move to new, modernized platforms must be prepared and reliably tested. For this purpose, Natuvion offers an intelligent test data automation solution that takes all data protection requirements into account. Powerful and intelligent test automation using innovative RPA technologies are also part of Natuvion’s extensive portfolio.


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      Retention & Retirement

      Transfer what you need and leave the rest to us
      Moving always means that not everything can be taken with you. But where to put it? Natuvion offers everything customers need to safely decommission their data, documents and systems in compliance with all retention regulations. If desired, we can also take over decommissioned data from our customers. During the retention period, our customers or supervisory authorities will of course have secure access at all times

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      Governance & Support

      We guide you through your transformation process
      We ensure that competence, experience and suitable solutions accompany the digital migration of our customers. In addition, we also take care of the necessary transparency, communication, test or project management, as well as the perfect transition into operation. And we do this internationally, with our own branch offices, an extensive network of trained partners and an integrated competence center for sound expert support.

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      The Study: Transformation 2022

      The Study: Transformation 2022

      Over 200 big companies provide exclusive insights

      How do companies practically transition from legacy IT systems to modern, innovative, and more powerful systems, taking data and processes with them?

      Our transformation study provides the answers with exclusive insights on what you have always wanted to know. More than 200 companies share their experiences from latest transformation projects. The results will help you to improve your own transformation planning and avoid mistakes that others have already made!

      cta_panel_bg_green_01_WP-DQM_EN EN_Downloads_Whitepaper_DQM_CTA Panel Mobile

      How to increase data quality?

      Organizations have recognized that their digital success begins with accurate and up-to-date data. But how do I accomplish this with dynamically growing data volumes and increasing complexity because of different data types coming from hundreds of data sources? We have put together some tips and advice for you!


      Articles and News

      EN_Downloads_SuccessStory_swb ILM

      Jun 28, 2024

      Take the SAP fast route to...

      swb successfully implements SAP ILM with Natuvion expertise

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      Jun 5, 2024

      Successful divestments with...

      Lanco achieves two complex transformation projects with...

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      M&A Success with SAP S/4HANA Carve-in

      May 20, 2024

      M&A Success with SAP...

      Supported by Natuvion, AMAG migrates acquired company...

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      ‘In too many companies, organizational and cultural change is underestimated!’

      May 13, 2024

      ‘In too many companies,...

      Companies that successfully organize all areas of change...

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      Low-code in cloud product development

      May 8, 2024

      Low-code in cloud product...

      Software development has evolved rapidly in recent years,...

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      Preparation is key: ensuring an efficient and secure go-live for SAP S/4HANA migration

      Apr 30, 2024

      Preparation is key:...

      The switch to SAP S/4HANA is currently one of the main...

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      “We need to change the way data gets into systems!”  

      Apr 12, 2024

      “We need to change the way...

      Master data forms the basis of almost all business...

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      How archiving analyses can assist you in your transformation!

      Mar 27, 2024

      How archiving analyses can...

      In today's evolving system landscapes, strategic and...

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      You want to know more about Natuvion's Services & Products? Or do you have any other questions. Just leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible!