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      Standardize your cutover process with Natuvion’s Cutover App


      More standardization and flexibility at the same time

      Projects in the cutover phase have a very tight timeframe. Usually several test runs are carried out before going live. A process run of this kind is characterized by its individual scope and procedure.


      On the one hand, many individual activities are carried out based on a repetitive pattern, while on the other hand the number and duration of these individual activities vary according to the scope of the particular project. Activities or even project phases may change up until the end, due to unforeseen events, for example.

      Natuvion has developed the Cutover application as cloud-based software, which can be used for planning and implementing projects. How the software masters the apparently contradictory requirements of flexibility and stability in the process is described in the following blog post.

      Cutover is defined as the holistic transition from the old to the new system or from the old to the new processing environment. The key elements of Cutover are the small-scale and differentiated tasks , which normally have to be carried out by a large group of individuals in a cutover team and are dependent on each other.

      Manage your Cutovers Effectively

      After many projects that were successfully completed by Natuvion consultants, it is clear that effective implementation essentially depends on all participants having access to all the relevant project data from anywhere at any time, so they can respond quickly to any events that occur. This process must be supported by a tool that meets the following requirements.

      • Process planning and execution by an application
      • Permanent and automatic monitoring of the process flow and performance
      • Identification of tasks according to their importance, e.g. by automatic reporting of exceptions and incidents that require immediate intervention
      • Simultaneous reporting of errors that occur to all the relevant parties involved
      • Fast communication options between project participants
      • Centralized documentation
      • Process data in realtime including monitoring and dashboard functionality
      • Possibility of fast and uncomplicated change in process flows

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