
      Natuvion Test
      Data Anonymization

      Home > TDA

      Data protection done right in development, test and quality systems

      Generating production-like data and avoiding data protection violations!

      Data protection must be ensured across all systems in your company. This goes without saying for productive systems, but secondary systems such as test environments tend to be forgotten. Possible consequence: Unintentional violations of data protection regulations. With Natuvion TDA, this can be prevented!

      By using Natuvion Test Data Anonymization (TDA), you can depersonalize all personal data in your non-productive systems – such as test, development or quality systems. It is no longer possible to identify the original data after depersonalization. Therefore, you remain on the safe side of the compliance scale regarding data protection regulations of the GDPR or the CCPA. Another advantage: Natuvion TDA is a suitable solution for protecting your trade secrets.

      Unlimited Testing

      Unlimited Testing

      Anonymization and Pseudonymization made easy!

      The beginning of a typical TDA project is marked by the use of the advanced system analysis tool Natuvion SOPHIA. This quickly and almost fully automatically identifies all personal data in your SAP system. The information obtained serves as the basis for deciding which data is to be specifically depersonalized and forms the basis for configuring the subsequent Natuvion TDA processes.

      The Natuvion TDA solution anonymizes or pseudonymizes all necessary information immediately after a system copy. Using individual, predefined rules, personal data is replaced by fixed, matched or sampled data. Consistent, cross-system processing of the data is ensured at all times. Furthermore, the potential to reduce data volume helps to reduce operating costs.

      Thanks to real production-like data, the depersonalized system landscape continues to offer you full functionality. The user benefits from a test environment that closely reflects the production environment.


      Quick and cost-effective

      Quick and cost-effective

      No impact on your business operations!

      Natuvion TDA runs on SAP, non-SAP and cloud systems across all industries. The solution is also compatible with SAP ECC starting with NetWeaver 7.4 as well as SAP S/4HANA. A TDA project with Natuvion can be implemented in just two to four weeks with minimal impact on your daily business operations.

      EN_Downloads_Whitepaper_TDA_CTA Panel Desktop EN_Downloads_Whitepaper_TDA_CTA Panel Mobile

      Two goals, one project

      With Natuvion TDA, companies can ensure GDPR compliance of their test environments while safeguarding their trade secrets. Study our white paper to discover why Natuvion TDA has become the solution of choice for our customers.


      Articles and News

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      M&A Success with SAP S/4HANA Carve-in

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      ‘In too many companies, organizational and cultural change is underestimated!’

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      Low-code in cloud product development

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      Preparation is key: ensuring an efficient and secure go-live for SAP S/4HANA migration

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      “We need to change the way data gets into systems!”  

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      How archiving analyses can assist you in your transformation!

      Mar 27, 2024

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      You want to know more about Natuvion TDA? We would be happy to present our powerful anonymization tool to you in a personal meeting. Or do you have other wishes or questions. Just leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible!